My Barrack Room Catalogue
My Barrack Room Catalogue
When Lieutenant Edward Hovell Thurlow drew the picture to the cover of this catalogue, it was of his first private quarters as a new, young officer. It illustrates a number of pieces of campaign furniture that he probably travelled with throughout his 26 year military career. Indeed, the campaign chest and hat box were also illustrated by Thurlow in a picture he drew of his cabin on board Hydaspes to Calcutta 9 years later. He would have been very surprised if told that in 150 years time not only would his painting would be a very interesting and desirable piece of artwork but also his everyday furniture would become a specialist area of collecting.
Aside from a number of good pieces of antique campaign furniture, this catalogue also has other pieces that can be considered exceptional. The Georgian Chair Bed by Morgan & Sanders was made by a company who are recognised as one of the most famous early specialist makers of portable and metamorphic furniture. There is also a very fine Bergere chair, a Three Fold Rosewood Book Cabinet and the Three Part Chest is an early example of the most common item of campaign furniture. However, its early date and unusual design, made before the standard for a travel chest had been established, makes it very interesting. The China Trade Cabin Table fitted to play games, is also a piece that stands out for its quality and rarity. However, perhaps the rarest item in the catalogue is the 4 Poster Campaign Bed made for a Salesman to easily demonstrate to Officers the design and quality of campaign beds that he could supply. The discovery of such a piece is what drives both dealers and collectors.
65 Illustrated Items
56 Pages incl. Covers
Catalogue of Campaign Furniture