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Campaign Naval Bureau
Campaign Naval Bureau
With space in an officer's cabin restricted it is easy to see why this much smaller than standard size mahogany bureau would appeal.
As can be seen, the Bureau splits into two sections, each with brass handles to the side which would be for tying down as much as for carrying. All the drawers have locks, again to counteract rough seas. The two short drawers are held in place by pins which can only be accessed when the fall is open. These drawers also act as lopers for the fall when opened. The bureau interior has seven pigeon holes over two rows of seven short drawers. The cedar drawer linings are a sign of the quality. The amount of paper work to be carried out by a Naval Officer of the rank of First Lieutenant or above would have made such a bureau a very useful item of cabin furniture. Its size makes it even more desirable. Circa 1750 - 80.
Size with fall closed
Mid to late 18th Century
Naval Furniture
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