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Georgian Campaign Writing Box
Georgian Campaign Writing Box
A wide mahogany Writing Box.
The writing board of the box is hinged to the middle on a long rule joint so that it fits over the front and top of the box giving a large working area. When opened, this leaves a gallery to the back and sides of the top with the teeth for the lock standing proud. The interior of the box has pigeonholes to the top with two drawers below and two shorter drawers below them. It's possible that there might also have been a longer drawer to the middle, or it might have been left as an open drawer. The drawers also have ebony knobs except the short drawer to the bottom left which operates on a key. This drawer has a secret compartment accessed by removing the whole drawer and raising the facia board to the back. The other short drawer is fitted with dividers for inkwells and a pen tray. The divider for the second inkwell also lifts to reveal a small compartment below the angled board. The box has brass carrying handles to the side and a blank brass engraving plate to the top.
We have seen one or two boxes of this size and it is worth comparing with the pigeonhole box also shown on these pages. They have an earlier, more workman like feel to them but are still well made. Early 19th Century.
Closed size is given.
Early 19th Century
Brass Bound Mahogany
Georgian Portable Desk
Baise replaced. One pigeonhole divider replaced
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