The Securem Tent Pole Strap
The Securem Tent Pole Strap
The Securem was designed and patented to provide hanging hooks around a tent pole, as its name suggests.
It is illustrated in The Army & Navy Catalogue of 1907 with the description 'This strap, lined with corrugated rubber, adheres closely to the pole, and so does not slip when articles are hung on it, the hooks being short and strong do not bend. Besides serving military purposes, it will be found useful in bathing and cricket tents'.
It was sold with eight brass hooks and a long arm for holding a lantern (like this one) or without the lantern holder. Not only does the corrugated rubber lining stop the strap from slipping but there is a one inch steel wedge to stop the lantern holder from tilting under weight. This wedge is stamped W.J. to both sides. The back of the strap has a belt and brass buckle for fixing the Securem to the tent pole.
A Securem patent Rifle Strap was also available, working on the same principle but with numbered loops which fitted around the muzzle to hold the guns parallel to the tent pole. It was said to also be found useful as a stick or pipe rack in a tent. Early 20th Century.
Early 20th Century
Leather & Brass